Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Germs! Keep your Distance!

I went and had my blood work done yesterday and found that my white blood cell count has dropped down to 0.7 (it is supposed to be between 4.0 and 11.0) which means I really have no resistance to germs if I am around others who have any bugs. Otherwise I feel great and have more energy than last week. This week my body will be generating a lot more white blood cells as my white blood cell count had gotten back up to 11.2 at the time of my last chemotherapy treatment.

My Naturopath had suggested taking a root tea called astragalus that is supposed to be good for the immunity and helps bolster your white and red blood cell count. It sounds like I might need that as this $5,000 white blood cell booster shot takes its time getting going.

I have been enjoying the comments that I have been receiving on my blog. I didn't know that was a feature to the blog. I appreciate all the healing energy and good wishes everyone has been sending me. Check out the comment at my last blog from Toyin. She lists her 'my space' site at the end of her comment and if you visit the site you will hear her beautiful voice. I don't know why she is working at my spa when she obviously could go far with that voice of hers! But who am I to question our luck in having her in our lives at this point. :)

I have discovered that wigs are itchy! Especially on shaved heads. I enjoy wearing scarves and a hat instead, but at least I have the option and have something that can keep my little bald head warm. I even have to wear a little knit hat over my head at night or I get real cold.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cuz, now you know how us bald people feel when it's cold. :)
