Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wine? Whine?

I saw my Naturopath yesterday and she told me that I should drink green tea, take CoQ10 as well as eat cruciferous veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, etc) for the anti-oxidant values. Also take cod liver oil for the vitamin D, cook with seaweed for their anti-cancer benefits and decrease my sugar and wine intake. What?! Not that I have been feeling like drinking much wine at this point, but that's not the point!

I got onto the internet (you can find anything on the internet if you look long enough) and it said that a recent study (March 2008) was showing that there were benefits to fighting cancer while drinking red wine due to the prophenylols or some such thing found in the lining of the grape skin. They were finding that it actually helped fight the cancer while one was undergoing chemotherapy!! However, it is still in the experimental stages and needs to be studied more. So at least I figure I can have a glass of red wine occasionally if I am feeling good. I suppose this proves I am an alcoholic, fighting for my red wine! Ah well.

I purchased some wakame seaweed yesterday and am planning on making some miso soup. I will have to look up more seaweed recipes as I know very little about it. My Naturopath also recommended that I get a Macrobiotic cookbook. Maybe that will give me some more ideas.

I am losing more hair. I feel itchy and am walking around 'molting'. I have some bare areas but the rest of my hair is covering up most of those patches. Tomorrow is day 19. I may be shaving my head yet. I keep thinking that I will still have something remaining, but it is pretty persistent about falling out. :(

1 comment:

Judy, Linda & Sande said...


I just finished a wine tour in Greece and they say that red wine is an antiocident! France, Italy croatia they all say drind the wine for your health! I say if you feel like it go for it! My thoughts and praryers are with you everyday and I love you humorous attitude it will give you strenght! Keep up the great fight and keep that positive stance!

Love you, Linda E. Sullivan