Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blood cells taking another beating

I went in for my weekly blood test yesterday and was told that my red cells were down to 24 and that this is pretty low. It had been down to 25 before they gave me a red cell booster shot bringing it up to 27. They said that if I was older and had heart problems they would automatically give me a blood transfusion at this level, but since I am in pretty good shape and such a 'spring chicken' (my words) I can probably tough it out. However, I need to be careful not to overdo things as I can get dizzy and even faint and possibly hurt myself. The red cells carry the oxygen and when I do anything aerobic my heart starts pounding real hard, so I have to concentrate on doing things slow and easy and just pace myself.

I complained to the doctor that I have lost more weight and now I have a flat butt. That caught him off guard as he wasn't expecting that particular complaint, but he rallied quickly. He noted that how several years ago women wanted a flat butt, but these days we all want a bubble butt, so we're never happy with what we have.

I start a new chemo drug next week, I believe it is called Taxol. This drug isn't supposed to be as hard on the blood cells, so I should be able to start building my blood cells up from now on. It is also not supposed to cause the nausea so I should also start to build up my butt as well. Then I can complain that I can't get my 'bubble butt' into my jeans rather than my current situation. Ah well, got to have something to complain about besides scratchy wigs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there flat butt. :) I'm sure you will get your bubble butt back just like your hair. Just don't let it balloon up. You are in our prayers, daily. Let's see when you get through this, you will probably be growing hair in strange places and showing your bubble butt off, just like you use to. Maybe you can get a job as Gieco's Cave Woman. :)
Hey you, I love you!!! Write more later.
Your Cuz