Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Questions still unanswered

I don’t have too much to report as the next step is a needle biopsy of the two lymph nodes. That is scheduled for Friday afternoon so the doctor doesn’t expect the results back until Monday.
She did say, however, that the radiologist said that the area that he thought was a breast tumor showed up as calcifications on the mammogram/ultrasound. I guess there was an abnormal amount of calcification. And I had the impression that it could possibly just be that which was causing some lymph node dysfunction. However, she seemed to be leaning towards breast cancer though it could also be lymphoma. She also said that the radiologist ‘thought’ the lump alongside my breast bone area was a lymph node, but wasn’t sure. So still lots of questions.
If there is cancer she will be referring me to an oncologist who will do a scan and check for metastasis, etc and probably start me on chemotherapy which could be a 4-6 month treatment plan. If there is any surgery it would happen after the chemotherapy.

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