Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And the beat goes on . . .

I went in for the ultrasound and the radiologist reported that it looked like the calcifications had reduced considerably, but he would like to do a needle biopsy. He wanted to call the oncology clinic first to find out when the best time to do this would be as I had just had my last chemo treatment a couple days ago and my blood levels would be getting low.

The radiology clinic called me a couple days later and arranged for the biopsy to be performed in 2 weeks as my blood cells should be recovered by then. I am supposed to go in the day before this to have a blood test to double check everything is okay.

The technician then told me a little about the procedure. It seems that it won't be done by ultrasound as I had originally thought, but instead by mammogram as the mammogram equipment shows the calcifications a lot better. And to do this I will be lying face down. Huh? Yes, I will lie face down on a table with my breast hanging through a hole where they will then clamp the mammogram equipment onto it and flatten it into a pancake to locate the calcifications. At this time they will then perform the needle biopsy. Hoo boy! They forgot about putting my body into the pretzel position beforehand! Oh! And while we have you clamped down in this position, let's go ahead and do a colonoscopy as well! I've heard those are fun, too! Who thinks these things up, anyway?

This procedure will be performed on a Tuesday just a few days before my scheduled surgery on Friday, August 8th. If all goes well and the biopsy is negative for cancer I am assuming I will be able to proceed with a lumpectomy along with the lymph node removal. If cancer is showing in these calcifications then it may be determined that a mastectomy would be my best bet.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The jury is still out

I had my last chemotherapy treatment today and I was all excited, waiting for the treatment to end when I received a call from my surgeon. She said that she had talked to the radiologist, who had been on vacation last week, and said that he was NOT HAPPY to hear that I was only receiving a lumpectomy. He feels very strongly that I should have a mastectomy as there are calcifications in another quadrant of the breast that have not disappeared like the main tumor has, as seen on the MRI. As there had been no needle biopsy of this area before, they are suggesting that they do that and make sure that this area is not cancerous before making any more decisions on the type of surgery.

So tomorrow I am going in for an ultrasound to look more carefully at this area and to schedule for a needle biopsy depending on the ultrasound findings. I am a little confused as I had asked my surgeon about the calcifications when I saw her a week ago. She said that according to the report they had reduced remarkably. But according to the radiologist, this doesn't seem to be the case.

In researching this matter on the internet it has been mentioned that the main goal is to remove the primary tumor along with lymph nodes. As I will be receiving radiation therapy after whatever surgery I have, it sounds like that will kill off any remaining cancer cells.

I guess a little more research in the matter will be taken before the final decision is made. In any event, as much as I would like to keep my little boobie, it will have to be sacrificed if it is determined to be in my best interest. And what a little trooper it has been!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Going, going, gone?

I received my second to the last chemotherapy treatment last Wednesday and did as well as the previous time. Not near as much aching and what I did have was helped by the Tylenol.

I met my surgeon today for a short visit. She mentioned that the mammogram I had recently did not show the tumor. It was only able to be seen on the MRI, barely, as it has reduced significantly. She is thinking that she may want to have the radiologist put a 'wire' into the tumor while using ultrasound so that she makes sure she removes the right area. (That would be helpful!) As this is the larger breast she was saying as how she could probably pull it over and cover up the 'dimple' that will be left. After I left her office I was kicking myself as I didn't even think to ask her about doing a simple lift at the same time. Damn!

The surgeon said that this would be a simple outpatient procedure and that I would be going home the same day with a drain under my arm which would be removed a few days later. The surgery is scheduled on Friday, August 8th after I have received my last chemo treatment next week on Wednesday, July 16th. I am starting to see an end to all of this! Yeah! Then I will still have radiation therapy to go through, but I will have at least a month off with no treatments before I start that. Gee, what am I going to do with all that extra time?! Paul will expect me to actually get off my duff and do a little work around the house. Thbpppt! :)