Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And the beat goes on . . .

I went in for the ultrasound and the radiologist reported that it looked like the calcifications had reduced considerably, but he would like to do a needle biopsy. He wanted to call the oncology clinic first to find out when the best time to do this would be as I had just had my last chemo treatment a couple days ago and my blood levels would be getting low.

The radiology clinic called me a couple days later and arranged for the biopsy to be performed in 2 weeks as my blood cells should be recovered by then. I am supposed to go in the day before this to have a blood test to double check everything is okay.

The technician then told me a little about the procedure. It seems that it won't be done by ultrasound as I had originally thought, but instead by mammogram as the mammogram equipment shows the calcifications a lot better. And to do this I will be lying face down. Huh? Yes, I will lie face down on a table with my breast hanging through a hole where they will then clamp the mammogram equipment onto it and flatten it into a pancake to locate the calcifications. At this time they will then perform the needle biopsy. Hoo boy! They forgot about putting my body into the pretzel position beforehand! Oh! And while we have you clamped down in this position, let's go ahead and do a colonoscopy as well! I've heard those are fun, too! Who thinks these things up, anyway?

This procedure will be performed on a Tuesday just a few days before my scheduled surgery on Friday, August 8th. If all goes well and the biopsy is negative for cancer I am assuming I will be able to proceed with a lumpectomy along with the lymph node removal. If cancer is showing in these calcifications then it may be determined that a mastectomy would be my best bet.

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