Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The big day has arrived

I was at the oncology clinic for 6 hours today, but I’m told it will be a lot less the next time around as they have all the paperwork out of the way. They gave me a steroid (not the muscle building ones - damn!) that is supposed to be in my system for the next 24 hours or so. This may prevent me from sleeping, however, I might also feel like cleaning house or baking a cake, so should take advantage of it. Especially as it could drop me flat in another day or two and I won’t feel like doing anything.

After the steroid they gave me an anti-nausea drug and then proceeded with two different chemotherapy drugs that were given by IV one after the other, which took about 1 ½ hours. Nothing was painful and everyone was nice. I understand that as I continue to receive chemotherapy I will get more tired and drained as it proceeds.

I am supposed to go in for a $5,000 shot tomorrow that is supposed to encourage the white blood cells to reproduce more as the blood cells take quite a hit from the chemo. Then next Tuesday I go in for a checkup and blood checkup to make sure everything is going along as it should. I will be receiving my chemo drugs every 2 weeks for 2 months and then will start a different chemo drug that isn’t supposed to cause nausea and is maybe a little less draining. However, I'm sure it has it's own set of nasty side effects. That drug will also be given every 2 weeks for another 2 months.

I am looking forward to doing something fun in August after this is all done!!!!

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