Monday, April 21, 2008

Aaaah! Is that a bald spot?!

Took a shower this morning and a handful of hair came out. Sob! I decided to check out the wig store in Federal Way after work. They were so very nice and helpful. I looked around a little and then the next thing I knew I was being called to come sit down and try on a few wigs. Okay. :) I fell in love with the 3rd one and feel sooooo much better now that I have something other than scarves and hats.

I tried it on when I got home to show Paul how it fit and I was having a hard time making it look like they did, but finally got it to look fairly decent. Paul thought it looked pretty sexy. Taryn thought it looked nice until she realized that it wasn't very long, maybe just above the shoulders. Not long enough! Silly girl.

Going in for my next chemo treatment tomorrow and feeling a little nervous. Hoping that the nausea will be under control much better this time around. We did get a call from our neighbors earlier today. She told Paul that she would be bringing dinner over for them tomorrow. How wonderful! So I won't worry about the family if I'm not feeling up to cooking. I had talked to Lisa, our neighbor, over a week ago and told her that I had been diagnosed with cancer and was going through chemotherapy. She then told me that she had been diagnosed with the same 5 years ago and had underwent treatment under the same doctor. It was such a relief to talk to someone who had undergone what I am starting, and to even have knowledge of the same doctor, and confidence, was a relief.

After tomorrow's treatment I will be going in for another white blood cell shot 24hours afterwards to encourage white blood cell growth. This Friday I will also be meeting with a Naturopath and hopefully finding out some other ways to fight the cancer, in a more healthy manner.

Thank you all for your positive and happy thoughts!

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