Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rough Night, but doing better now

The nausea started up like it did last time, 3 hours after the chemo treatment. I took both nausea drugs and it seemed to help better, but I still ended bent over the toilet. After that my stomach stayed pretty calm, and the nausea was not quite so pressing.

Doing better this morning, but planning on taking it easy and not doing much.

Our neighbor brought over macaroni and cheese for the kids along with fettucini alfredo AND a vegetable tray with French bread! Wow! So the family ate good and I didn't have to worry about it.

I am looking forward to this weekend when I should be back to feeling much better and hopefully also enjoy some nice weather at the same time.

1 comment:

Alecia said...

Hang in there girl. Know your in my thoughts and prayers. Try sucking on your favorite hard candy to help with the nausea. The sugar calms the stomach. Some find it easier to cut the hair of when it starts falling out rather than endure the handfuls on the pillow and in the shower. Get yourself a relaxing massage!
Much Love