Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Okay, this is for the birds!

Not sure where that expression came from. Poor birds. I thought I was doing soooooo much better with this new chemo drug. No nausea, able to eat, feeling pretty good. Hot diggety! Then the Friday after the treatment I started feeling a little achey, Saturday a little more so as well as Sunday. However, I didn't want to take the Vicodin which everyone was telling me would put me out or give me hallucinations or who knows what else! Also, it didn't seem to be that bad if I took some Tylenol Extra Strength and used a hot pack occasionally.

It has tamed down and I am able to get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time, but the achiness is still there. At least with the last drug I was back to feeling much better by the weekend after treatment and could enjoy a good week before they knocked me down with the next treatment. Hopefully this will tame down and the next dose won't be near as noticeable.

Years from now we will look back at how they treated people with cancer and say how barbaric! Austin was doing his report on George Washington and it tells how he came down with a sore throat which developed into pneumonia. Blood letting was the thing to do back in those days and they took about 5 pints of blood from him to 'treat' him, which of course helped kill him instead. And we think how barbaric that was!

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