Monday, June 30, 2008

Back to blogging

I didn't keep up my blog as well as I should of this time around. The last chemo treatment had went pretty smoothly and the doctor was promising me that I wouldn't have as much bone pain. And he was right!!! I was able to take Tylenol Extra Strength to take the edge off and by the Sunday after the treatment I was starting to feel pretty good. This last week has been real nice with me having more energy and feeling upbeat.

The only weird thing is that I had lost another 5 lbs two weeks before and I haven't gained any of it back yet. I weigh 113 lbs, what I weighed when I met and married Paul, but I am sorry to say that it doesn't look as good on me now as it did then!! After all this is over with there will be some serious toning up to be done. Just as soon as I get my red blood cells back!

I have my second to last chemo treatment tomorrow and I am expecting it to go just as smoothly as last time. And then next week I will be meeting with my surgeon to find out the next step. I am feeling a lot more positive at this stage with my tumor pretty much undetectable than I did at the beginning when I felt like I had just been handed my death sentence. Then again, maybe it's just finally getting some sunshine!

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