Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blood cells taking another beating

I went in for my weekly blood test yesterday and was told that my red cells were down to 24 and that this is pretty low. It had been down to 25 before they gave me a red cell booster shot bringing it up to 27. They said that if I was older and had heart problems they would automatically give me a blood transfusion at this level, but since I am in pretty good shape and such a 'spring chicken' (my words) I can probably tough it out. However, I need to be careful not to overdo things as I can get dizzy and even faint and possibly hurt myself. The red cells carry the oxygen and when I do anything aerobic my heart starts pounding real hard, so I have to concentrate on doing things slow and easy and just pace myself.

I complained to the doctor that I have lost more weight and now I have a flat butt. That caught him off guard as he wasn't expecting that particular complaint, but he rallied quickly. He noted that how several years ago women wanted a flat butt, but these days we all want a bubble butt, so we're never happy with what we have.

I start a new chemo drug next week, I believe it is called Taxol. This drug isn't supposed to be as hard on the blood cells, so I should be able to start building my blood cells up from now on. It is also not supposed to cause the nausea so I should also start to build up my butt as well. Then I can complain that I can't get my 'bubble butt' into my jeans rather than my current situation. Ah well, got to have something to complain about besides scratchy wigs.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gooooood Moornninggg, USA!

TGIS! Saturday always seems to be the day that I have more energy and an interest in doing some things, as well as an interest in eating. I have all sorts of menus popping in my head. :) I want to try a grilled Portobello caesar salad recipe that I found. And I'm sure that my kids would like me to include ice cream in the menu some where along the way, none of that green icky stuff, mom! The cretins!

The sun is shining this morning even though they aren't promising us the best weather this Memorial weekend, but I may be able to get out and play in Mother Earth for a short while.

I saw my Naturopath on Friday and she told me that my vitamin D level was 14 and it should be between 40-60!!! She said that a lot of people in this area, and other northern areas, have a lower vitamin D level due to so many cloudy days. Vitamin D has been making a lot of waves in the news lately, suggesting that low levels could lead to cancer. That seems to be my case at any rate. The naturopath gave me some vitamin D drops to take, so should get my levels up to a more normal level. Paul! Time to move to eastern Washington or south to Arizona!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Knocked down again

Thankfully this is the last dose of this nausea-causing chemo drug. From what I understand the next 4 are supposed to be easier on the system with little or no nausea.

This time around they gave me some different anti-nausea drugs which knocked me out. It seemed to keep the nausea at bay, but I wasn't conscious for very much of the time. I did throw up a couple of times the next day after my nausea drugs wore off, but things got back under control pretty quickly. It seems this morning of the second day is treating me better. I haven't taken any drugs as of yet and will just play it by ear. Hopefully the majority of the nausea is done and out of my system.

It will be interesting to see how much quickly I recover this time around. And hopefully my red and blood cells will not have taken too low of a dip. At the time of my chemo my white blood cells were clear up to 21! and my red blood cells had just creeped up from 25 to 27 - they would like those to be closer to 35-36. At least the next chemo drugs aren't supposed to be as hard on the blood cells, so should hopefully start bringing them back up to a normal level.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blood Cells? Who needs them?!

I've figured out that it was all based on suggestion that I was feeling tired. Boy I was sooooo tired last night after I heard how low BOTH my red and white blood cells were. Was I dizzy, tired, forgetful? Oh yeah! I had the hardest time getting the kids to bed, doing what I wanted them to do, and what they needed to do, well the hell with it, because I wasn't up to forcing them to do it.

This morning, I got up and got the kids moving, cleaned up the kitchen then went on to work. Did paperwork, a little reception (not much) as well as a little massage (again, not much) and some banking and then headed home to take the kids to music lessons. We then went home where I made them clean their rooms (cleaners are coming tomorrow) and generally whipped them into shape, so they escaped to the downstairs room. Okay, I haven't done too much since then, but dang! Felt like I did a lot better than yesterday when they told me I should be sooooo tired. Hell. They haven't seen too many Montanans. :) Or maybe I should say Idahoans as my mother kept saying I sounded so much like my grandmother and we were all born in Idaho. Yee ha! :) Okay, I'm getting corny. No I mean potatoesy. :) Must be the lack of blood cells.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Red Cells, White Cells, Blue Cells?

I went in and had a blood test today to see how my blood counts were doing. White blood cells were way down as they usually are at this time in the cycle. They were down to 0.9 but will be back up around 12.0 next Tuesday when I go in for my next chemo treatment. However, this time my red cells were also down, not needing a transfusion, but getting pretty low. So now I am scheduled to go in on Friday for a red blood cell booster shot. Sheesh! Poke me here, stick me there. I am starting to feel like a human pincushion.

At least this explains why I didn't bounce back quite as well as I did on the first two treatments. I am getting things done, but definitely dragging. Though I do have more energy in the morning, so I plan on taking advantage of that over the next few days and taking it easy later in the day.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday and still doing better

My appetite is getting back to normal and I am looking forward to putting some of the pounds back on that I lost this last week. If this keeps up I will need to get a new wardrobe. However, I might have a reverse affect with the weight after I start the new doses of chemo in June as I understand they don't have the nausea side effects. So I had better hold off on any new wardrobe purchases for the time being.

I received a 'book' from my daughter Taryn for an early Mother's Day gift. She had drawn pictures on each page illustrating a title for each page. 'My mom is the nicest when Austin and I are not fighting.' The next pages were a little more illuminating. 'My mom is prettiest when she wears her wigs and scarves.' Hmmmmm. 'My mom is the proudest when Austin and I are getting along.' Okay, that's good. 'My mom is the sleepiest when she takes her pills.' Oh good. Now I'm a junkie. However, she finished it off with 'You are the best mom a child could have.' Obviously she is focusing on this cancer more than I thought.

I read in the newspaper this morning where we lack vitamin D in this part of the country. That we need to get at least 15-20 minutes of sun on our arms, legs and face or back three times a week, without sunscreen. Lack of vitamin D causes fractures, doubles your chance of breast and prostate cancer, increases your chance of diabetes or worsens your control if you already have it, and causes immune deficiency. I know in the last couple of years it seems that I have been more inside than out and definitely not getting enough sun fix. That will have to change. Just waiting for the sun now.

I have been trying to go vegan (as dairy and meat are linked to several diseases) with my diet so vegan French toast is on our menu this morning. This is made with bananas, soy milk, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla. I think it will be a winner, but the kids will have the final say. :)

Friday, May 9, 2008


I am feeling soooooo much better today. And to top it all off the sun is shining and is supposed to get up to 65 degrees today! Yeah!

Not sure why I dragged so much more this time, and battled the nausea more. Maybe it just gets worse with each treatment. I'm hoping that's not the case as I still have one more of these nausea-causing chemo treatments in another week and a half.

And yes, for inquiring minds, I look damn good with my bald head. :) However, if I lose much more body hair I will have to start painting on eyebrows so that you can see my face. I'm so vain! The one plus out of this is that I don't have to do any shaving.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

One more to go!

Dragging this morning after receiving my third chemo treatment. I seemed to notice the nausea effects a lot sooner. It seemed to take longer to get under control. Doing better this morning and able to eat a little. I have one more of these nausea-causing chemo treatments in 2 weeks and then things should go a little smoother during the second set of chemo.

My doctor was happy with the results so far. We are definitely noticing a decrease in the tumor and lymph node sites. Yeah! At least I am losing something else besides my hair!

Our neighbor came over last night with more food for the family. Macaroni and cheese, chicken enchiladas and fruit salad. Wow! Taryn is already asking what they are going to bring next time. :)

Now I get to go in for another one of those lovely white blood cell booster shots this afternoon and deal with the joint aching side effects. I am sooooo looking forward to Friday when the rest of the nausea is gone and the energy is back up.