Wednesday, May 7, 2008

One more to go!

Dragging this morning after receiving my third chemo treatment. I seemed to notice the nausea effects a lot sooner. It seemed to take longer to get under control. Doing better this morning and able to eat a little. I have one more of these nausea-causing chemo treatments in 2 weeks and then things should go a little smoother during the second set of chemo.

My doctor was happy with the results so far. We are definitely noticing a decrease in the tumor and lymph node sites. Yeah! At least I am losing something else besides my hair!

Our neighbor came over last night with more food for the family. Macaroni and cheese, chicken enchiladas and fruit salad. Wow! Taryn is already asking what they are going to bring next time. :)

Now I get to go in for another one of those lovely white blood cell booster shots this afternoon and deal with the joint aching side effects. I am sooooo looking forward to Friday when the rest of the nausea is gone and the energy is back up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cuz, your on several prayer lists and mine. It should be Friday when you read this and you should be feeling better. Your in my prayers daily. I miss our times we spent together.
PS: Still think you should look good bald.