Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Red Cells, White Cells, Blue Cells?

I went in and had a blood test today to see how my blood counts were doing. White blood cells were way down as they usually are at this time in the cycle. They were down to 0.9 but will be back up around 12.0 next Tuesday when I go in for my next chemo treatment. However, this time my red cells were also down, not needing a transfusion, but getting pretty low. So now I am scheduled to go in on Friday for a red blood cell booster shot. Sheesh! Poke me here, stick me there. I am starting to feel like a human pincushion.

At least this explains why I didn't bounce back quite as well as I did on the first two treatments. I am getting things done, but definitely dragging. Though I do have more energy in the morning, so I plan on taking advantage of that over the next few days and taking it easy later in the day.

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