Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gooooood Moornninggg, USA!

TGIS! Saturday always seems to be the day that I have more energy and an interest in doing some things, as well as an interest in eating. I have all sorts of menus popping in my head. :) I want to try a grilled Portobello caesar salad recipe that I found. And I'm sure that my kids would like me to include ice cream in the menu some where along the way, none of that green icky stuff, mom! The cretins!

The sun is shining this morning even though they aren't promising us the best weather this Memorial weekend, but I may be able to get out and play in Mother Earth for a short while.

I saw my Naturopath on Friday and she told me that my vitamin D level was 14 and it should be between 40-60!!! She said that a lot of people in this area, and other northern areas, have a lower vitamin D level due to so many cloudy days. Vitamin D has been making a lot of waves in the news lately, suggesting that low levels could lead to cancer. That seems to be my case at any rate. The naturopath gave me some vitamin D drops to take, so should get my levels up to a more normal level. Paul! Time to move to eastern Washington or south to Arizona!

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